


Otilia is from the highland town of Cajabamba, in the district of Cajamarca, Peru, born on December 13, 1957. She has completed primary school. She has 5 children. One of her daughters, Vanesa, was also a Chimuk knitter, who sadly passed away due to a brain aneurism in April 2021.

Otilia is our neighbor and lives right across from us! She is also a small business owner; she has a "bodega" in her house. She learned how to knit as a result of participating in the Chimuk workshops. Every year, she makes hot chocolate for our Christmas celebrations. 

We have employed Otilia & her daughters since we've arrived in the community. They clean CESAPU (Center of Public Health) every day. Unfortunately, when Vanesa passed, Otilia's other daughter Maria stepped up and now helps her mother clean. 

After suddenly losing her daughter & her grandson within 1 month of each other in 2021, we have so much sympathy & respect for Otilia & admire how she is managing to knit through her grief. We love you, Otilia!